About Me


Hi, I am Ananya

I am a robotics engineer with a passion for solving complex challenges using cutting-edge technology.

I earned my Bachelor's degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from the Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad. Currently, I'm pursuing a Master's degree in Robotics at Northwestern University. My academic focus includes embedded systems, machine learning, robotic manipulation, machine dynamics, sensing, and navigation. I'm particularly drawn to Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning and automation,

My skills include programming in Python, C++, C, Bash, and Assembly Language. In robotics, I have experience with ROS2/(ROS), Gazebo, MoveIt, Machine Learning, OpenCV, SLAM, Computer Vision, CNN,Control systems design, and Embedded systems. Additionally, I have experiance with verilog, SPICE(simulator), PCB Design etc. I am proficient in Linux, Git, CMake, Unit Testing, and MATLAB software.