Development of Minimum-Snap Trajectory Control for Drone: Hardware and Simulation Implementation with a Custom Mathematical Simulator

Brief Overview

This project focuses on optimizing a quadrotor's motion for efficient battery swapping in a swarm system. A mathematical simulator was developed to test trajectories, ensuring consistency between simulation and real-world performance. Using a minimum-snap trajectory, the drone completes the task in 4 seconds compared to over 40 seconds with a brute-force PID controller, greatly improving efficiency..

Video demo

Software Architecture

The simulation is built using Python and ROS2, with visualization in Rviz. It features a quadrotor model integrated with a minimum snap trajectory generator and a trajectory controller for precise and efficient motion planning.

The control loop, implemented in ROS2 with Python, utilizes a PID controller or a Trajectory controller to manage roll, pitch, yaw, and throttle, ensuring accurate flight dynamics and stability.


The control inputs provided to the quadrotor are as follows:

  • Roll, Pitch, and Yaw: Input values range from 1050 to 1900. A value of 1500 corresponds to the neutral position. Roll and pitch inputs are scaled to absolute angles based on the maximum tilt angle set in the Betaflight flight controller.
  • Throttle: Input values range from 1000 to 1900, where 1000 represents 0% thrust and 1900 corresponds to 100% thrust.

Drone Marker Visualization

Control and Simulation Process:
  1. PWM to Angle Conversion: Roll and pitch targets are calculated using the formula:

    \[ \text{Target Angle} = \left( \frac{\text{Input} - 1050}{900} \times 110 \right) - 55 \]

  2. Thrust Calculation: The thrust is calculated as:

    \[ \text{Thrust} = \frac{\text{Input} - 1000}{1000} \times \text{Max Thrust} \]

  3. PID Control: PID controllers are implemented for roll and pitch stabilization. The error is the difference between the target angle and the current angle:

    \[ \text{Error}_{\text{roll}} = \text{Target Roll (rad)} - \text{Current Roll (rad)} \] \[ \text{Error}_{\text{pitch}} = \text{Target Pitch (rad)} - \text{Current Pitch (rad)} \]

    The control effort is updated using the PID formula:

    \[ \text{Control Effort} = K_p \times \text{Error} + K_i \times \int \text{Error} \, dt + K_d \times \frac{d(\text{Error})}{dt} \]

  4. Thrust Transformation: The thrust in the body frame is converted to the world frame using the rotation matrix:

    \[ \mathbf{Thrust}_{\text{GF}} = \mathbf{R}_{\text{BF→GF}} \times \begin{bmatrix} 0 \\ 0 \\ \text{Thrust} \end{bmatrix} \]

    Where \(\mathbf{R}_{\text{BF→GF}}\) is the rotation matrix derived from the roll, pitch, and yaw angles.
  5. Position Updates: The acceleration in each axis is computed, and velocities and positions are updated:

    \[ \ddot{z} = \frac{\text{Thrust}_{z, \text{GF}}}{m} - g \] \[ \ddot{x} = -\frac{\text{Thrust}_{x, \text{GF}}}{m}, \quad \ddot{y} = -\frac{\text{Thrust}_{y, \text{GF}}}{m} \] \[ \dot{x} = \dot{x} + \ddot{x} \cdot dt, \quad x = x + \dot{x} \cdot dt \]

    Similar equations apply for \(y\) and \(z\).
Key Considerations:
  • Ground Constraint: If \(z < 0\), the quadrotor is grounded, and all velocities are set to zero.
  • Random Perturbations: Small random variations are introduced to \(p\) and \(q\) to simulate real-world disturbances.
Drone Marker Visualization

The simulation includes a visualization of the drone as a marker in Rviz. While the marker does not accurately represent the physical dimensions of the drone, it serves as a visual aid to demonstrate its position and orientation during the simulation. Below is a snapshot of the visualization:

Controller On Board

The quadrotor's onboard controller utilizes a Raspberry Pi Zero for communication with the Betaflight flight controller. It processes control commands such as throttle, roll, pitch, yaw, and flight modes. Below are the details of the communication setup and control system.

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Raspberry Pi Zero Communication

The Raspberry Pi Zero serves as the intermediary between the control commands and the Betaflight flight controller on the quadrotor. It communicates with the base station computer through a UDP connection, running at a frequency of 100 Hz. The control messages it sends include throttle, roll, pitch, yaw, arm/disarm status, and flight mode.

Control Commands Sent to the Raspberry Pi
  • Throttle: The throttle value to control the motor speed.
  • Roll: The roll command to control the drone's roll angle.
  • Pitch: The pitch command to control the drone's pitch angle.
  • Yaw: The yaw command to control the drone's yaw angle.
  • Aux1 (Arm/Disarm): Controls the arm/disarm state of the drone.
    • 1000: Disarm
    • 1800: Arm
  • Aux2 (Mode): Controls the flight mode of the drone. There are two modes:
    • Angle Mode: Stabilized flight mode, where the drone tries to maintain a fixed angle.
    • Horizon Mode: A hybrid mode between manual and stabilized, with limited angle control.
Communication with Betaflight Controller

The Raspberry Pi uses the yamspy library to communicate with the Betaflight controller board. The communication is based on the MSP (Multiwii Serial Protocol) to send control commands to the flight controller.

Control Node

The drone control node subscribes to the /quad_ctrl topic and receives the control commands. It then sends the commands to the Raspberry Pi through UDP, ensuring smooth control of the drone.

Communication with OptiTrack

The OptiTrack system provides real-time position and orientation data of the drone, which is transmitted to the base station via UDP. This data is processed on the base station for integration into the ROS2 ecosystem and drone control systems.

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What Happens on the OptiTrack Station:

On the OptiTrack station, a rigid body is created within the Motive app, representing the drone or its tracking system. A script tracks the current position of the rigid body in real-time and sends the data through a UDP connection to the base station. The transmitted data includes:

  • x, y, z: Position coordinates of the rigid body.
  • x, y, z, w: Quaternion values representing the orientation of the rigid body.

The UDP connection continuously transmits this data for further processing.

What Happens on the Base Station:

On the Base Station, the system listens for UDP messages containing position and orientation data and performs the following:

  • Extracts x, y, z position and x, y, z, w quaternion orientation values.
  • Converts these values into a ROS PoseStamped message format for ROS2 compatibility.
  • Transforms the pose to align with a desired origin or reference frame.
  • Publishes a transformation for other ROS nodes to use for control and monitoring.

This setup enables real-time drone tracking and control adjustments based on OptiTrack data.

ROS Control Loop

The drone, whether in simulation or real-world scenarios, can be controlled in three distinct ways: Joystick control, PID controller, or Minimum Snap Trajectory controller. These methods allow flexibility depending on the task and environment. The control loop adapts seamlessly between user inputs, algorithm-based adjustments, or predefined trajectory commands, ensuring efficient and precise control of the drone.

Joystick Control Loop
Joystick-based control loop
Control Loop Sim
Control loop sim
 Control Loop
Control loop drone
Click for Detailed Overview
    Joystick Node

    The Joystick Node enables interaction between the user and the drone by processing input from a joystick. It translates joystick commands into drone control messages and publishes these commands to a topic for further use by other nodes in the control system.


    • No subscriptions.
    • /quad_ctrl: Publishes joystick commands as a QuadCmd message containing roll, pitch, throttle, yaw, armed status, and mode.

    Communication with the Joystick:

    • Reads joystick inputs using a compatible library, capturing the state of axes and buttons.
    • Maps joystick inputs to drone control commands, such as roll, pitch, throttle, and yaw.
    • Includes functionality for arming the drone and switching modes based on button presses.

    Key Features:

    • Maps joystick axes to roll, pitch, throttle, and yaw values, ensuring precise user control over the drone's movements.
    • Processes button presses to toggle the drone's armed state and change flight modes.
    • Publishes user commands to the /quad_ctrl topic in real time, enabling other nodes to execute the desired actions.
    • Implements a safety mechanism by monitoring the state of the armed flag to ensure safe operation.

    Node Workflow:

    1. Starts by initializing the joystick interface and configuring input mappings for axes and buttons.
    2. Continuously reads input data from the joystick at a predefined rate.
    3. Processes the joystick data to compute control values for roll, pitch, throttle, and yaw.
    4. Determines the drone's armed state and flight mode based on specific button presses.
    5. Publishes the computed control commands to the /quad_ctrl topic in the form of a QuadCmd message.

    Drone Control Node

    The Drone Control Node is responsible for controlling the drone's behavior based on received control commands. It subscribes to relevant topics that provide the current state of the drone, processes these inputs, and publishes commands to actuate the drone's motors, adjusting its flight dynamics accordingly.


    • /quad_pose: Subscribes to the drone's pose (position and orientation) using a PoseStamped message.
    • /quad_ctrl: Subscribes to control commands for the drone (roll, pitch, throttle, yaw, armed state, mode) using a QuadCmd message to initiate control actions.
    • /drone_control_feedback: Publishes feedback on the drone's current control status, position, and orientation.

    Communication with Other Nodes:

    • Receives control commands from the joystick node through the /quad_ctrl topic to determine the desired drone movements (e.g., roll, pitch, throttle, yaw, armed status, and mode).
    • Receives the current pose of the drone from the /quad_pose topic to assess the drone's position and orientation.
    • Processes both control and pose data to compute necessary actions for motor commands and flight adjustments.
    • Publishes feedback about the drone's current state to the /drone_control_feedback topic for monitoring purposes.

    Key Features:

    • Receives control input (roll, pitch, throttle, yaw) and applies the necessary transformations to actuate the drone’s flight.
    • Monitors the armed state and mode of the drone to ensure it responds only when it is safe and in the correct mode.
    • Uses PID or other control strategies to smoothen and stabilize the drone’s movements based on current pose and desired commands.
    • Provides real-time feedback to other systems about the drone's position, orientation, and control status.

    Node Workflow:

    1. Subscribes to the /quad_pose topic to get the current pose (position and orientation) of the drone.
    2. Subscribes to the /quad_ctrl topic to receive control commands for roll, pitch, throttle, yaw, and the armed status.
    3. Based on the control commands, adjusts the motor outputs to achieve the desired flight dynamics (e.g., stabilize pitch, roll, and yaw).
    4. Applies a control algorithm (e.g., PID) to minimize error between the desired and actual states (e.g., position and orientation).
    5. Publishes feedback about the drone's status (current position, orientation, etc.) on the /drone_control_feedback topic for monitoring.

    Quad Listener Node

    The Quad Listener Node facilitates communication between the drone's position tracking system (OptiTrack) and the ROS environment. It receives UDP packets containing the drone's position and orientation data, applies necessary transformations to correct offsets, and publishes the corrected pose to the ROS network.


    • No subscriptions.
    • /quad_pose: Publishes the corrected position and orientation of the drone as a PoseStamped message.

    Communication with OptiTrack:

    • Uses a UDP socket to receive real-time tracking data from OptiTrack. The data includes the drone's position (x, y, z) and orientation (quaternion qx, qy, qz, qw).
    • Processes the received data to remove offsets specific to each drone ("bird") based on parameters defined in a YAML file.
    • Corrects the received position and orientation using transformation matrices that adjust for the drone's predefined offsets in both position and orientation.

    TF Broadcasting:

    • Broadcasts a transform named drone relative to the map frame, providing real-time positional and orientation updates of the drone in the ROS TF tree.
    • The transform is continuously updated at 100Hz, ensuring smooth and accurate representation of the drone's pose in the world frame.

    Key Features:

    • Loads drone-specific position and orientation offsets from a YAML file.
    • Applies mathematical transformations to adjust the received pose data, ensuring that the published pose accurately reflects the drone's corrected position and orientation in the world frame.
    • Handles exceptions such as missing data or invalid configurations, ensuring robust communication with the tracking system.

    Node Workflow:

    1. Starts a UDP server to listen for incoming tracking data.
    2. Loads bird-specific offsets from the YAML file and verifies their correctness.
    3. Processes incoming UDP messages to extract positional and orientation data.
    4. Applies the offset transformations using a combination of translation and rotation matrices.
    5. Publishes the corrected pose to the /quad_pose topic.
    6. Broadcasts the corrected pose as a transform in the TF tree, enabling other nodes to access real-time drone position and orientation information.

    QuadSim Node

    The QuadSim Node simulates the behavior of a quadrotor drone by processing control inputs and updating the drone's pose (position and orientation) over time. It interfaces with a quadrotor model to compute the drone's state based on the control commands, publishes the updated pose, and visualizes the drone's parts using markers.


    • /quad_ctrl: Subscribes to control commands for the drone (throttle, roll, pitch, yaw, armed state) using a QuadCmd message.
    • /quad_pose: Publishes the drone's updated pose (position and orientation) as a PoseStamped message.
    • visualization_marker_array: Publishes a visualization of the drone's parts using a MarkerArray message.
    • /tf: Publishes the transform between the "map" and "base_link" frames of the drone.

    Communication with Other Nodes:

    • Receives control commands from the /quad_ctrl topic, including throttle, roll, pitch, yaw, and armed state.
    • Uses the quadrotor model to compute the new state of the drone based on these control inputs.
    • Publishes the drone's current pose to the /quad_pose topic.
    • Publishes markers representing the drone's parts and the drone's current state for visualization in RViz.
    • Publishes a transform (TF) to define the position and orientation of the drone in the "map" frame.

    Key Features:

    • Simulates the behavior of a quadrotor drone based on control inputs (throttle, roll, pitch, yaw) from a QuadCmd message.
    • Converts the drone's position and orientation from Euler angles to quaternion format for consistency with ROS conventions.
    • Visualizes the drone's body parts (e.g., arms, motors) using RViz markers.
    • Calculates the new state of the drone (position, orientation) based on the quadrotor dynamics and control inputs.
    • Publishes the updated pose and transform data for external systems or visualization.

    Node Workflow:

    1. The node initializes parameters such as initial position, frame ID, and sets up communication channels (subscription and publication).
    2. Subscribes to the /quad_ctrl topic to receive control commands (throttle, roll, pitch, yaw, armed state).
    3. Uses the quadrotor model (in the quadrotor class) to compute the new drone state based on the control inputs.
    4. Converts Euler angles (roll, pitch, yaw) into a quaternion for proper ROS integration.
    5. Publishes the drone's updated pose (position and orientation) to the /quad_pose topic.
    6. Publishes the transform between the "map" and "base_link" frames to the /tf topic for accurate positioning in 3D space.
    7. Generates a visualization of the drone's body using MarkerArray messages, displaying parts such as arms and motors in RViz.

    Controller PID Node

    Node Overview:

    The Controller_pid node controls the quadcopter's position using PID controllers for altitude, roll, pitch, and yaw. It subscribes to the quadcopter's current position and publishes control commands to adjust its position toward a desired target in 3D space.

    Key Features:

    • PID control for altitude (Z axis), roll and pitch (X and Y axes), and yaw adjustment.
    • Real-time path tracking by publishing the quadcopter’s actual position over time.
    • Customizable desired position parameters for dynamic control.
    • Support for both simulation and real drone with different PID gain configurations.
    • Automatic arming of the drone when certain conditions are met during operation.

    Node Workflow:

    1. The node initializes and fetches parameters for the desired position and mode (real drone or simulation).
    2. Based on the mode (simulation or real), appropriate PID controller gains for altitude, roll, pitch, and yaw are configured.
    3. The node subscribes to the quad_pose topic to receive the current position of the quadcopter.
    4. The listener_callback function updates the current position of the quadcopter whenever new data is received from the quad_pose topic.
    5. In the timer_callback function, control commands (throttle, roll, pitch) are computed based on the difference between the current position and the desired position using the PID controllers.
    6. When the flag condition is met, the node arms the drone and publishes control commands to the quad_ctrl topic.
    7. The node also continuously publishes the actual position path to the actual_path topic for visualization.


    • quad_pose - Subscribes to the current position of the quadcopter (message type: PoseStamped).


    • quad_ctrl - Publishes control commands (throttle, roll, pitch, yaw) to the quadcopter (message type: QuadCmd).
    • actual_path - Publishes the actual path of the quadcopter for visualization (message type: Path).


    • listener_callback - Updates the current position of the quadcopter and appends the position to the actual path.
    • timer_callback - Runs periodically to compute control commands based on position errors and publishes them to the quad_ctrl topic.
    • set_desired_position - Allows updating the desired position dynamically.
    Controller Trajectory Node

    Node Overview:

    The controller_traj node manages the trajectory tracking of a quadcopter by using a trajectory controller and PID controllers for altitude, roll, and pitch. It tracks the position of the quadcopter, computes errors, and adjusts the control inputs (throttle, roll, pitch, yaw) to move the quadcopter toward a desired position.

    Key Features:

    • Trajectory tracking using a TrajectoryController for smooth path execution.
    • PID controllers for altitude, roll, and pitch stabilization.
    • Ability to control both simulation and real drone with customizable PID gains.
    • Publishing the quadcopter’s trajectory and actual position for visualization.
    • Automatic arming of the drone when it reaches a safe position and starts the trajectory.

    Node Workflow:

    1. The node initializes parameters for the desired position and simulation mode (real drone or simulation).
    2. It subscribes to the quad_pose topic to receive the current position and orientation of the quadcopter.
    3. The listener_callback function updates the current position and sets up the trajectory controller if it's the first position.
    4. In the timer_callback function, the node computes control commands based on the trajectory tracking and PID control outputs for altitude, roll, and pitch.
    5. Control commands are published to the quad_ctrl topic for the quadcopter to follow.
    6. The trajectory path and actual path are continuously published to the traj_path and actual_path topics for visualization.


    • quad_pose - Subscribes to the current position of the quadcopter (message type: PoseStamped).


    • quad_ctrl - Publishes control commands (throttle, roll, pitch, yaw) to the quadcopter (message type: QuadCmd).
    • traj_path - Publishes the desired trajectory path (message type: Path).
    • actual_path - Publishes the actual path followed by the quadcopter (message type: Path).


    • listener_callback - Updates the current position and sets up the trajectory controller if it's the first position.
    • timer_callback - Runs periodically to compute and publish control commands based on trajectory tracking and PID control.
    • euler_to_quaternion - Converts Euler angles (roll, pitch, yaw) to quaternion for orientation representation.
    • quaternion_to_euler - Converts quaternion orientation to Euler angles (roll, pitch, yaw).
    • add_trajectory_point - Adds a point to the desired trajectory path.
    • set_desired_position - Allows dynamic updates to the desired target position.


PID Controller

The system utilizes three PID loops for controlling the drone:

  • Altitude (Z): Maintains the desired height of the quadrotor.
  • Roll: Stabilizes the quadrotor along the roll axis and controls its motion along the Y-axis.
  • Pitch: Stabilizes the quadrotor along the pitch axis and controls its motion along the X-axis.
PID for Altitude (Z)

The altitude PID loop computes the error between the desired altitude and the current altitude. It incorporates a feedforward term and uses a scaling factor to generate a thrust output value.

PID Equation with Feedforward and Scaling:

\( \text{Output} = \text{Scaling_Factor} \times \left( K_p \cdot \text{Error} + K_i \cdot \int \text{Error} \cdot dt + K_d \cdot \frac{d(\text{Error})}{dt} + \text{Feedforward} \right) \)


  • \( K_p \), \( K_i \), and \( K_d \) are the proportional, integral, and derivative gains, respectively.
  • \( \text{Error} \) is the difference between the desired and current values.
  • \( \text{Feedforward} \) is a predefined term to account for expected system behavior.
  • \( \text{Scaling_Factor} \) adjusts the output to match the system's dynamics.

The final output is mapped to a PWM signal in the range 1000 to 1950.

PID for Roll and Pitch

Separate PID loops for roll and pitch control the drone's stabilization along these axes and enable position control:

  • Roll: The roll PID adjusts the drone's angle to achieve the desired Y-axis position.
  • Pitch: The pitch PID adjusts the drone's angle to achieve the desired X-axis position.

The roll and pitch PID logic follows similar principles to the altitude PID, with output values converted to PWM signals ranging from 1000 to 2000.

General Behavior
  • The controllers integrate the error over time (integral term) to address steady-state errors.
  • The derivative term considers the rate of change of error to counteract overshooting and oscillations.
  • Thrust output is clamped to ensure stability and mapped to appropriate PWM values.
Control Process

During each control loop:

  • The altitude PID adjusts the throttle to maintain or achieve the desired height.
  • The roll PID modifies the roll command to control the Y position of the drone.
  • The pitch PID modifies the pitch command to control the X position of the drone.
Return Values

The altitude PID generates a PWM signal between 1000 and 1950, which directly drives the motors and affects the drone's vertical motion and stability. Similarly, roll and pitch PID outputs are mapped to motor commands to achieve desired positional corrections.


    Minimum-Snap Trajectory Generator

    This implementation of the trajectory generator is based on the seminal work by Vijay Kumar and colleagues, specifically their paper on Minimum snap trajectory generation and control for quadrotors. It computes smooth, dynamically feasible trajectories for a quadcopter by minimizing snap (the fourth derivative of position) while satisfying boundary conditions for position, velocity, acceleration, and jerk.


    The generator calculates polynomial trajectories for the quadcopter's six degrees of freedom: x, y, z (position), roll, pitch, and yaw. The trajectory is expressed as a seventh-order polynomial, chosen for its ability to satisfy constraints on position, velocity, acceleration, and jerk at both the start and end of the trajectory.


    The polynomial trajectory for a single axis is given by:

    \( x(t) = a_7 t^7 + a_6 t^6 + a_5 t^5 + a_4 t^4 + a_3 t^3 + a_2 t^2 + a_1 t + a_0 \)

    Where \( x(t) \) represents the position at time \( t \), and the coefficients \( a_0, a_1, \ldots, a_7 \) are determined to minimize the snap (fourth derivative of position):

    \( \text{Snap} = \frac{d^4x(t)}{dt^4} \).

    Boundary Conditions

    The trajectory ensures continuity and smoothness by satisfying the following constraints at the start (\( t = 0 \)) and end (\( t = T \)) of the trajectory:

    • Position: \( x(0), x(T) \)
    • Velocity: \( \dot{x}(0), \dot{x}(T) = 0 \)
    • Acceleration: \( \ddot{x}(0), \ddot{x}(T) = 0 \)
    • Jerk: \( \dddot{x}(0), \dddot{x}(T) = 0 \)
    Matrix Formulation

    The coefficients \( a_0 \) to \( a_7 \) are computed by solving the linear system:

    \( A \cdot \mathbf{c} = \mathbf{B} \)


    • \( A \): The boundary condition matrix constructed using polynomial terms and their derivatives for the start and end times.
    • \( \mathbf{B} \): A vector containing the boundary conditions for position, velocity, acceleration, and jerk.
    • \( \mathbf{c} \): The vector of polynomial coefficients to be solved.
    Trajectory Evaluation

    The trajectory can be evaluated for position, velocity, acceleration, or jerk at any time \( t \) by taking successive derivatives of the polynomial:

    • Position: \( x(t) \)
    • Velocity: \( \dot{x}(t) = 7a_7 t^6 + 6a_6 t^5 + \ldots + a_1 \)
    • Acceleration: \( \ddot{x}(t) = 42a_7 t^5 + 30a_6 t^4 + \ldots \)
    • Jerk: \( \dddot{x}(t) = 210a_7 t^4 + 120a_6 t^3 + \ldots \)
    Key Features
    • Optimal Smoothness: By minimizing snap, the trajectory ensures smooth and efficient motion with minimal actuator effort.
    • Flexibility: The generator can handle arbitrary boundary conditions for all six degrees of freedom.
    • Real-Time Update: Coefficients can be recomputed dynamically if the starting conditions change mid-flight.
    Implementation Notes

    The generator constructs individual trajectories for each degree of freedom. The coefficients for each trajectory are precomputed using matrix inversion. At runtime, the polynomial is evaluated at the desired time points to obtain position, velocity, acceleration, or jerk.


    This approach is crucial for precise quadrotor maneuvers, especially in scenarios requiring high-speed, aggressive, or dynamic flight. The implementation is directly inspired by Vijay Kumar's work, which has been widely adopted for trajectory planning in autonomous drones.

    Controller Design

    To enable the quadrotor to follow specified trajectories \( \sigma_T(t) = [r_T(t)^T, \psi_T(t)]^T \), the controller uses the following components:

    Position and Velocity Errors

    The errors on position and velocity are defined as: \[ e_p = r - r_T, \quad e_v = \dot{r} - \dot{r}_T \]

    Desired Force Vector

    The desired force vector for the controller and the desired body frame z-axis are calculated as: \[ F_{des} = -K_p e_p - K_v e_v + mg \mathbf{x}_W + m \ddot{r}_T \] Here, \( K_p \) and \( K_v \) are positive definite gain matrices. We assume \( \|F_{des}\| \neq 0 \).

    Total Thrust

    The desired force is projected onto the actual body frame z-axis to compute the total thrust: \[ u_1 = F_{des} \cdot z_B \]

    Desired Orientation

    To determine the desired orientation:

    • The desired body frame z-axis: \[ z_{B, des} = \frac{F_{des}}{\|F_{des}\|} \]
    • Using the specified yaw angle \( \psi_T(t) \), the desired body frame x-axis and y-axis are: \[ x_{C, des} = [\cos\psi_T, \sin\psi_T, 0]^T \] \[ y_{B, des} = \frac{z_{B, des} \times x_{C, des}}{\|z_{B, des} \times x_{C, des}\|}, \quad x_{B, des} = y_{B, des} \times z_{B, des} \]
    The desired rotation matrix is then: \[ R_{des} = [x_{B, des}, y_{B, des}, z_{B, des}] \]

    Orientation and Angular Velocity Errors

    The orientation error is defined as: \[ e_R = \frac{1}{2}(R_{des}^T W R_B - W R_B^T R_{des})^\vee \] where \( \vee \) represents the vee map converting elements of \( \text{so}(3) \) to \( \mathbb{R}^3 \).

    The angular velocity error is: \[ e_\omega = \mathbf{B}[\omega_{BW}] - \mathbf{B}[\omega_{BW, T}] \]

    Desired Moments

    The desired moments and the remaining three inputs are computed as: \[ [u_2, u_3, u_4]^T = -K_R e_R - K_\omega e_\omega \] where \( K_R \) and \( K_\omega \) are diagonal gain matrices, allowing unique gains for roll, pitch, and yaw tracking.

Hardware setup

The quadrotor hardware includes a Betaflight flight controller, a Raspberry Pi 0 for processing, and 1103 brushless motors with KV ratings of 8000 to 15000 RPM/V. The controller takes inputs such as roll, pitch, yaw (1050-1900 range), and throttle (1000-1900 range).

The drone's position is independently tracked using OptiTrack, providing precise positional data for validation and control loop optimization.



PID Simulation and Hardware Performance

The PID controller was tested in both simulation and hardware environments. The goal was for the drone(s) to move to a desired target location, marked by a green arrow. The red path represents the trajectory taken by the drone(s), and the approximate time taken to reach the target was 40 seconds, indicating slow convergence.

Simulation Video:
Position vs. Time Plot:

The position vs. time plot for X, Y, and Z axes shows the PID controller's performance over time:

Position vs Time Plot
Hardware Video:
Multiple Drones in PID Control:

This video demonstrates the performance of multiple drones controlled using the PID controller in a simulation environment:

PID Gains:
  • Proportional Gain (𝑲ₚ): 0.3 (altitude), 0.1 (X and Y)
  • Integral Gain (𝑲ᵢ): 0.05 (altitude), 0.002 (X and Y)
  • Derivative Gain (𝑲ᵈ): 0.09 (altitude), 0.38 (X and Y)
  • Feedforward: 0.3 (altitude)

Note: The PID gains used were identical for both simulation and hardware tests.

Minimum-Snap Trajectory Performance

The Minimum-snap trajectory controller was tested in simulation with significant improvements over the PID controller. The controller managed to guide the drone(s) to their target locations in approximately 4 seconds, a notable improvement from the PID's 40 seconds. The green path represents the trajectory predicted by the generator, while the red path shows the actual trajectory taken by the drone(s).

Simulation Video:
Trajectory Plots:

The plots below showcase position, velocity, acceleration, jerk, and snap versus time, highlighting the smooth transitions and efficient trajectory planning achieved by the Minimum-snap controller:

Minimum Snap Trajectory Plots
Minimum-Snap Gains:
  • Proportional Gain (𝑲ₚ): \( \text{diag}([1.3, 1.3, 14.5]) \)
  • Velocity Gain (𝑲ᵥ): \( \text{diag}([1.0, 1.0, 1.7]) \)
  • Rotation Gain (𝑲ᵣ): 2.9
  • Weight Gain (𝑲𝑤): 0.9