This paper presents a voice-assisted pick and place system using a mobile manipulator. The system consists of a voice recognition module, a Kinova Gen 3 Lite arm, and a Jackal mobile base. The voice recognition module is used to recognize the user's command and convert it into a robotic arm command. An RGB-D camera is used to detect the object and estimate the depth to get the grasp pose. The motion of the manipulator is planned using the RRTConnect algorithm in order to reach the object avoiding any possible collision. Then the arm is used to pick and place the desired object, while the mobile platform is used to move the robotic arm to the desired location. The system is tested and evaluated with a variety of objects in different sizes and shapes and is found to be accurate and reliable. The results show that the system is capable of performing pick and place operations with high accuracy and speed. The results also demonstrate that the system can be used in real-world applications and can be used as an effective pick-and-place assistant.